Connecticut Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accident scene in Connecticut.In comparison to other types of vehicle collisions, commercial truck accidents are relatively rare. According to data from various sources, while there are roughly six million auto accidents annually in the United States, the annual total of commercial truck accidents is around 500,000. Yet, despite the fact that there are 12 “ordinary” vehicle collisions for everyone commercial truck accident, accidents involving commercial trucks account for more than 10 percent of traffic fatalities, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). The non-fatal injury figures are similarly disproportionate.

In short, commercial truck accidents have a far greater likelihood of resulting in serious and fatal injuries. There are a number of factors that contribute to this disparity, and at Berkowitz Hanna, our Connecticut truck accident lawyers are intimately familiar with these issues. We have decades of experience helping truck accident victims recover just compensation. And if you have been injured or a member of your family has been killed in a commercial truck accident, we can utilize this experience to effectively assert your legal rights.

Establishing Liability After a Truck Wreck

In truck accident cases, there are two general theories of liability: strict liability and negligence. Strict liability applies to product defects – faulty brakes, faulty tires, defective cargo straps, and other truck-related issues that cause and contribute to dangerous collisions. Negligence applies to all human-related factors, including:

  • Fatigued driving
  • Distracted driving (including texting, watching movies, navigating, and talking to dispatch)
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs (including sleep medications)
  • Speeding, following too closely, sudden braking, and other driving errors
  • Driving unsafely in hazardous weather, road, or traffic conditions
  • Hiring inexperienced truck drivers
  • Forcing or encouraging truck drivers to spend too many hours behind the wheel
  • Improper cargo loading
  • Failure to pressurize liquid cargo
  • Failure to conduct routine maintenance and perform necessary repairs
  • Exceeding a truck’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) and other safety violations

Depending on the specific factor (or, as is often the case, factors) involved in a truck collision, here are some of the parties that may be responsible for the victims’ losses:

  • Trucking Company – The trucking company could be directly liable for hiring an inexperienced driver or forcing the driver to exceed federal hour limitations. It could also be vicariously liable for the negligent acts of its driver.
  • Shipping Company – If the accident resulted from a cargo loading error, then the shipping company that loaded the cargo could be to blame.
  • Truck or Component Manufacturer or Retailer – Under the law of strict liability, product manufacturers and any other companies in the “chain of distribution” can be held liable for product defects.
  • Maintenance or Repair Shop – If the accident resulted from faulty maintenance work or a negligent repair, then the shop (or dealership) that performed the work could be deemed fully or partially at fault in the accident.
  • Another Driver – While commercial truck accidents are often the result of an issue with the truck or truck driver error, it is possible that another driver caused or contributed to the accident as well.
  • Insurance Companies – The one thing that truck accidents and other types of vehicle collisions have in common is that they often result in settlements with the insurance companies. All of the parties listed above will likely be insured, and this means that your claim will most likely result in an insurance settlement (if successful).

A skilled Connecticut truck accident attorney could help an injured party determine who is at fault for their wreck and take legal action accordingly.

Seeking Financial Compensation for Serious Injuries Sustained in a Commercial Truck Accident in Connecticut

Recovering from the physical and emotional trauma sustained in a truck accident can be a lifelong endeavor. If you have been physically disabled, if you have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or spinal cord injury (SCI), if you have been severely burned or scarred, or if you are suffering from post-traumatic stress, you are most likely facing a long and difficult road to recovery.

While coping with the effects of a traumatic accident means different things for different people, one thing that virtually all serious accident victims have in common is that they need help. They need help to get better. They need help to find closure, and they need help to move on.

At Berkowitz Hanna, we are committed to helping our clients recover in every way that we possibly can. This means helping them find trustworthy doctors, it means helping them manage the out-of-pocket costs of their injuries, and it means helping them recover just compensation. We fight for maximum compensation in every case we handle, and in appropriate cases, we seek punitive damages to enhance our clients’ financial recoveries as well.

Economic Damages

If the truck driver, trucking company, shipping company, or any other entity was at fault in the crash, you are entitled full compensation for the financial losses you endure as a result of the crash. These are known as “economic damages.” Economic damages that can be recovered in non-fatal truck accident cases include:

  • Property damage
  • Medical bills
  • Prescription costs
  • Lost income
  • Lost earning capacity
  • The cost to hire service providers (g., landscapers and childcare providers)
  • Other out-of-pocket expenses

Non-Economic Damages

In addition to economic damages, truck accident victims can also recover “non-economic damages” in Connecticut. Non-economic damages provide compensation for intangible losses such as:

  • Emotional trauma (including post-traumatic stress)
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship, consortium, society, and support
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Punitive Damages

In certain cases, commercial truck accident victims in Connecticut can also recover “punitive damages.” Unlike the damages discussed above, these are not intended to provide compensation but instead are awarded as additional payment in order to punish the defendant for particularly egregious conduct. Punitive damages are capped by statute in Connecticut, but in appropriate cases, seeking punitive damages can provide important additional financial resources to aid in victims’ long-term recoveries.

Seeking Financial Compensation for Wrongful Death Following a Fatal Trucking Collision

For obvious reasons, recovering financial compensation for the loss of a loved one is a very different proposition from recovering your own personal losses after being injured in a trucking collision. If you have lost a close family member in a truck accident in Connecticut, we offer our sincere condolences.

Our Connecticut truck accident attorneys represent families throughout Connecticut in claims for wrongful death. We have significant experience handling these difficult claims, and we are committed to securing justice for the families we represent. If you have questions and would like to speak with one of our attorneys in confidence, we encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Speak with a Connecticut Truck Accident Attorney at Berkowitz Hanna

To speak with a Connecticut truck accident lawyer about seeking just compensation for a serious or fatal truck accident in Connecticut, please call us or contact us online. Your initial consultation is free, and you pay nothing unless we win.