Our Blogs

The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Follows Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed On Behalf Of Late UA Athletic Director Mal Moore
Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has represented clients in wrongful death lawsuits in which an individual’s death may be linked to a medication that is defective or has dangerous...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Highlights Problem Of Elder Abuse In Hospitals And Nursing Homes
According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, elder mistreatment (abuse and neglect) is defined as “intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Reports on Pop Warner Lawsuit Over Suicide of Football Player
Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has years of experience litigating wrongful death cases, those in which a party’s negligent or reckless behavior resulted in the preventable...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Comments On $10M Walmart Settlement Awarded To Children Of Comedian Killed In Tracy Morgan Car Crash
Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has litigated and settled countless personal injury and wrongful death cases for and on behalf of the victims of car accidents. Although...
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football kicker
As with other legal topics, Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has been monitoring national media coverage over the ongoing discussion of football-related injuries and fatalities. A recent CNN story on...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC On $25M LAX Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has uncovered an interesting wrongful death lawsuit involving a slain LAX Transportation Security Administration agent whose family is now suing Los Angeles...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Comments On Settlement In Bacterial Meningitis Case
 Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has years of experience working on medical malpractice and wrongful death cases, many of which result from a misdiagnosis or untimely treatment. Si...
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Settlement Of Wrongful Death Suit Against Napa Law Enforcement
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 4,813 arrest-related deaths were reported between 2003 and 2009, with approximately 2,931 deaths classified as homicide by law...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Reports On Latest WWE Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed By Widow Of Former Wrestling Star "Big Daddy V"
  Berkowitz and Hanna LLC reports on the latest in a string of wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits against World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE). Cassandra Frazier, widow of former...
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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Focuses On Potential Michael Brown Wrongful Death Lawsuit
  Berkowitz and Hanna LLC oversees wrongful death lawsuits and therefore consistently monitors news relating to similar cases across the United States. Wrongful death lawsuits are civil cases...
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