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Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has years of experience working on medical malpractice and wrongful death cases, many of which result from a misdiagnosis or untimely treatment. Si un diagnóstico erróneo y/o un tratamiento prematuro se pueden vincular a una negligencia o imprudencia, entonces existen motivos para llevar a cabo una demanda por muerte por negligencia. Case in point is a recent Athens, Ohio meningitis death, which resulted in a $1M wrongful death settlement.
Meningitis (also known as meningococcal illness) is an infection that causes inflammation of the spinal cord and the brain. A veces, un caso de meningitis recibe un diagnóstico erróneo, porque los síntomas son parecidos a los de la gripe y otras enfermedades no mortales, como el resfriado común. However, when a patient infected with meningitis is misdiagnosed or not given timely treatment, this may result in death.
La estudiante de la Universidad de Ohio, Andrea Robinson, murió de meningitis bacteriana. The lawsuit filed by her father, Joseph Robinson, stated that when her boyfriend called the university’s health center, he was told to have her take Tylenol and get some rest. When her condition worsened, she was transported (by ambulance) to O’Bleness Memorial Hospital, and then later transferred to a Columbus hospital, where she died.
The lawsuit alleged that “the university failed to adequately warn the students that there was a strain of bacterial meningitis on campus that was not covered by a vaccine.” La demanda también alegó que Andrea Robinson tardó en ir al hospital, y luego murió, porque confió en el asesoramiento erróneo del Centro de Salud Hudson de OU. Despite initial efforts to deny any culpability in the student’s death, the university ultimately settled the lawsuit for $1M. Settlements like these are not unusual in wrongful death cases, observed Berkowitz and Hanna LLC.
Note: Berkowitz and Hanna LLC did not represent any of the parties in this case.
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