Shelton Placental Abruption Lawyer

Maternal and infant mortality rates in the United States have declined significantly over the past several decades. Unfortunately, there are still plenty of serious complications that can put the life of an expecting mother and her baby at risk. Placental abruption—a condition that involves the placenta detaching from the uterine wall before a mother gives birth—is one of the more dangerous challenges that a pregnant woman can face. Obstetricians and other providers have a duty to identify and treat conditions such as placental detachment as quickly as possible should they occur, but this is not always the case.

As experienced birth injury attorneys know all too well, not every doctor can be trusted to take this type of condition seriously or treat it effectively, and their negligence sometimes has life-altering or even life-threatening consequences. If you or your baby have been severely harmed by a doctor’s failure to handle this type of complication properly, you may have grounds for civil litigation, which a Shelton placental abruption lawyer from Berkowitz and Hanna LLC can help you effectively pursue.

Causes and Effects of Placental Abruptions

Placental abruption can sometimes be caused by a pregnant woman sustaining abdominal trauma from something like a car crash. However, this condition typically occurs without any specific traumatic cause. Medical research indicates that mothers who use drugs like tobacco and cocaine while pregnant are at higher risk of experiencing placental abruption. Other risk factors for this condition include high blood pressure, diabetes, and other medical problems that affect the normal function and composition of blood vessels.

It is important to note that while placental abruption is a very serious condition, it is possible for a significant portion of the placenta to partially detach from the uterine wall without posing a significant risk to the mother or child. However, if a severe abruption is not handled properly by qualified physicians, it can deprive the fetus of vital nutrients and oxygen to a degree that may cause permanent development problems or even stillbirth. Furthermore, the mother herself may experience severe blood loss that could have fatal repercussions. These kinds of outcomes are those which a Shelton placental abruption attorney can help file suit over.

Holding the Right People Liable for All Available Damages

Typically, the person primarily and legally at fault for placental abruption injuries is the obstetrician or other physician who acted as the primary care provider. However, it is often possible to name multiple parties as defendants in this sort of claim, including the healthcare organization that employed individually negligent doctors.

Liable parties can be made to pay for every negative impact the injury will ever have on the plaintiff and their surviving family members, including:

  • Costs of additional medical treatment made necessary by prior malpractice
  • Lost work earnings and/or earning capacity
  • Disability-related costs for things like assistive equipment and in-home care
  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Psychological trauma and suffering
  • Lost enjoyment/quality of life

A placental abruption lawyer in Shelton can provide custom-tailored guidance about what damages should be factored into your specific claim and how to go about seeking recovery.

Speak with a Shelton Placental Abruption Attorney About Legal Options

Experiencing any kind of pregnancy complication is always upsetting, even if your doctors are able to minimize or completely negate the harm it might otherwise cause to you and your baby. If your doctors failed to provide you with that level of compassionate, high-quality care, you may have the legal right to file suit over the damage their misconduct has done.

A Shelton placental abruption lawyer from Berkowitz and Hanna LLC will be the steadfast ally you need to obtain the compensation you deserve without placing too much additional stress on yourself or your family. We have helped countless families like yours recover after medical injuries, and we will fight for the compensation you deserve. Call today to discuss your options with a dedicated member of our team.