Our Blogs

A Person in Orange Shirt with Tattooed Arms
The lack of access to adequate health care in U.S. prisons is staggering.  A nationwide survey revealed that among inmates with a persistent medical problem,...
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Close-up Photo of a Wooden Gavel
When a claimant receives a jury verdict awarding them damages for their injuries, they often end up shocked to learn that the jury’s verdict amount...
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Baby Beside Woman
When an individual learns that they are going to have a baby, it can be one of the happiest times in life.  They make plans,...
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Photo of Hand Holding a Black Smartphone
In an age where everyone is glued to their smartphones and posting on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, people often forget that what...
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A Woman Lying on a Hospital Bed
Year after year, studies confirm the continuation of a gender disparity in our healthcare system.  Whether it is the decreased likelihood that women in the...
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Filing an Uber/Lyft Accident Claim in Connecticut
With the increasing popularity of rideshare services like Uber or Lyft, getting around town has become more convenient than ever. However, as with any form...
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Heart Rate Monitor
Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection and it occurs when an infection already in a person’s body triggers a chain reaction throughout...
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Close-Up Photo of a Man Having a Neck Pain
Accident victims frequently suffer whiplash due to the severe forces involved in a crash. Whiplash can be a serious, debilitating condition that could potentially result...
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Person Holding Rod
Medicaid, a program established in 1965 to provide health coverage for low-income people, is an essential part of our healthcare system that serves more than...
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Motorcycle Laws & Safety Guidelines in Connecticut
Motorcycle riding can be exhilarating and fun. That said, it's critical for motorcyclists to understand the laws governing motorcycle riding to protect their safety and...
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