Shelton Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Lawyer

Many people seek out cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance and improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, not all procedures go as planned. When cosmetic surgeons make negligent mistakes, patients might be left with less-than-optimal results or serious health issues.

You should not have to bear the cost of recovery after a botched cosmetic surgery. Consider meeting with a Shelton cosmetic surgery malpractice lawyer to discuss your options. Our surgical error attorneys can help you understand whether you have a case and discuss your next steps.

Popular Types of Cosmetic Procedures

Some of the most common cosmetic surgeries include:

  • Botox injections to treat wrinkles
  • Liposuction to remove excess fat
  • Breast augmentation
  • Rhinoplasty or nose jobs
  • Laser hair removal
  • Facelifts

While some people consider plastic surgery to be unnecessary and frivolous, many patients benefit both physically and mentally from undergoing cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive cosmetic surgery is medically necessary for some patients after they suffer an injury or illness. Cosmetic surgery can help a patient restore their function and appearance. For instance, some people undergo reconstructive breast surgery after undergoing a radical mastectomy due to advanced breast cancer. Other patients undergo skin grafts and cosmetic procedures after suffering serious burns. Even when cosmetic surgery is not medically necessary, it can be beneficial to many patients’ psychological states by helping them improve their self-confidence.

When cosmetic surgery goes wrong, patients often suffer physical, emotional, and financial setbacks. A Shelton attorney can assess a particular case, determine whether a cosmetic surgeon’s negligence was the cause of the issue, and take legal action accordingly.

What Can Go Wrong with Cosmetic Procedures?

Some people assume that plastic surgery procedures are less serious than other types of surgery. As with all medical procedures, cosmetic surgeries carry a risk. Plastic surgeons and their medical teams need to inform patients of all the risks so that the patients can give their fully informed consent. If a doctor fails to inform their patient of possible risks and the patient suffers a problem during the surgery, the doctor could be legally responsible for resulting losses.

Some patients suffer complications, such as infections, excessive bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia and other medication, pneumonia, or paralysis in the surgical site. Some are unhappy with the results of their procedure and feel that they have no difference in their appearance. Other patients feel that their appearance has drastically worsened from the surgery.

It is important to note that an unsuccessful surgery does not equate to medical or surgical malpractice. Malpractice arises when a provider does not meet the standard of care they owe to patients, which is something a lawyer can explain in more detail. An experienced Shelton cosmetic surgery malpractice attorney can work with a trusted team of medical experts to determine whether a provider acted negligently.

Contact a Shelton Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Attorney

When you undergo cosmetic surgery, you should be able to trust that your surgical team will take good care of you. When this is not the case, you have options for legal recourse.

If you suffered harm because of a plastic surgery team’s negligence, contact us. A Shelton cosmetic surgery malpractice lawyer can go over your options with you during your free consultation.