Shelton Heavy Machinery Accident Lawyer

Heavy machinery accidents are not something to take lightly. These accidents can cause serious injuries, including brain and spine injuries, paralysis, burns, broken bones, and amputations. The costs associated with these injuries can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars – including medical bills, lost wages, and property damage, among other things.

Anyone who has been the victim of a heavy machinery accident due to the negligence of another should contact a lawyer as soon as possible. A Shelton heavy machinery accident lawyer can investigate the accident to prove liability, argue a case in court, or negotiate for a payout with the insurance companies.

Who Is Liable for a Heavy Machinery Accident?

A victim’s employer is the liable party in many heavy machinery accident personal injury cases. Employers are expected to maintain safe conditions and repair broken machinery before it becomes dangerous to employees. Relatedly, a victim’s co-worker could also be liable if their actions led to an accident.

Determining who is liable is vital for recovering damages. An experienced Shelton heavy machinery accident attorney can investigate a case for their client – doing things such as reviewing photo and video evidence, parsing the police report and witness statements, scrutinizing maintenance records, consulting with experts, examining medical records, recreating the accident, and researching applicable laws.

What Happens When Workers Are Partially At Fault?

Connecticut General Statutes §52-572 (h) (b) 2 covers negligence lawsuits in the state and establishes a comparative negligence standard. This means that a plaintiff can recover damages, even if partly at fault in an accident, so long as they are not more than half at fault. Their damages are to be reduced by an equivalent percentage of fault found.

Of course, this incentivizes rival counsel and insurance representatives to shift blame onto the victim – thereby reducing or negating their client’s or company’s overall liability. An experienced Shelton heavy machinery accident attorney can handle negotiations with insurers to ensure injured parties get the payments they are owed. 

Dealing with the Insurance Company

Insurance adjusters are known to make lowball settlement offers, hoping that victims will take the first offer in hopes of getting the process over with. The victim takes less than they deserve, and the insurance company walks away with a brighter financial picture.

Obtaining the services of a qualified Shelton heavy machinery accident lawyer avoids this possibility. A lawyer will know how to handle these insurance tactics and can handle all insurance communications for their client. This will save a client considerable time and stress and allow the lawyer to focus on obtaining the maximum possible settlement amount.

Set Up Your Free Consultation With a Shelton Heavy Machinery Accident Attorney

If you were seriously hurt at work, you deserve fair retribution for your losses. A Shelton heavy machinery accident lawyer can help you pursue the compensation you need.

Our team at Berkowitz Hanna is dedicated to making things right for you. We can listen to your situation, help you understand your options, and work with you to hold the at-fault party accountable. To get started, give us a call.