New Haven Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Lawyer

Many people decide to embrace cosmetic surgery for their own unique reasons. No matter the motivation, you deserve careful care from your providers; unfortunately, this is not always the case.

When a negligent provider leaves you suffering physically and emotionally, you have options for legal recourse. A New Haven cosmetic surgery malpractice lawyer can listen to your story and help you understand your options. Consult with our experienced surgical malpractice attorneys at Berkowitz Hanna to learn more.

Cosmetic Providers Are Held to A Standard of Care

Cosmetic surgery is an elective type of plastic surgery. Some procedures occur in medical offices, clinics, and hospitals by doctors, while others take place in other settings by other types of providers. Some treatments require hospital stays, while others are performed on an outpatient basis.

Regardless of who performs the procedure and where it takes place, the provider is supposed to be licensed and trained to perform it. They should adhere to commonly recognized standards of care for other medical providers performing the same types of procedures. Healthcare professionals are supposed to provide competent care and take actions that another professional in the same specialty would take when faced with a similar situation. If a medical worker provides substandard care and the patient suffers an injury resulting in actual damages, they could be liable for malpractice.

Proving Malpractice

Proving malpractice requires the assistance of an experienced legal team. A trusted local attorney can investigate the medical provider’s actions to see if there is a potential legal claim. The lawyers work closely with medical experts who know how to look at a medical worker’s actions to see if they made an unreasonable mistake. They also know how to establish a link between the doctor’s mistake and the patient’s injuries.

Some cosmetic procedures that our New Haven attorneys handle malpractice claims for include:

  • Tummy tucks
  • Botox injections
  • Nose jobs
  • Chin revision surgeries
  • Liposuction
  • Eyelid surgeries
  • Brow lifts
  • Hair replacement surgeries

Taking Legal Action After a Cosmetic Surgery Injury

When cosmetic surgery goes wrong, patients can suffer many different sorts of harm. Sometimes, botched procedures can cause disfigurement, skin discoloration, or scarring in the surgical site, making a patient’s appearance even worse than before the procedure. Other patients suffer severe infections, pneumonia, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and paralysis.

A diligent legal team can help a patient recover compensation for their losses. An injured cosmetic surgery patient might be able to receive reimbursement for their current medical bills, as well as money for future medical costs, lost income, and lost earning capacity. In addition, they could pursue recovery of their non-economic losses, such as their pain and suffering and decreased quality of life. In the tragic event of a fatal injury, a compassionate New Haven lawyer can help surviving family members pursue damages for cosmetic surgery malpractice through a wrongful death claim.

Speak with a New Haven Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Attorney

Cosmetic surgeries are supposed to make you look and feel better about yourself and how you look. Sadly, some patients suffer disfiguring or even life-threatening injuries due to the actions of careless medical providers who care more about earning as much money as possible than they do about their patients.

Speak with a New Haven cosmetic surgery malpractice lawyer if you think you might have a case. We can help you understand your options and move forward.