Connecticut Internal Bleeding Malpractice Lawsuits

For some patients, the most dangerous conditions are those that hide just below the surface. Internal bleeding is a potentially life-threatening condition that often goes undetected. Despite the lack of outward signs in many cases, doctors and nurses have a duty to carefully evaluate a patient when the risk of internal bleeding is present.

If you experienced undetected or untreated internal bleeding, you could be a victim of medical negligence. You have the right to seek financial compensation for your injuries, and a dedicated malpractice lawyer can help you along the way. Let an experienced member of the Berkowitz Hanna legal team advise you on the process of filing Connecticut internal bleeding malpractice lawsuits.

What Causes Internal Bleeding?

Internal bleeding occurs when a patient has some form of trauma within the body that causes an organ or body part to bleed. These injuries are not always obvious, as there are no outward signs of bleeding.

Internal bleeding happens for many different reasons. Some people experience bleeding due to blood clots or damaged vessels. Others can experience this condition from taking specific types of medication, like blood thinners. Other medication can damage the lining of a person’s stomach, which leads to bleeding.

Sometimes, internal bleeding occurs as the result of lifestyle factors. The use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal narcotics can damage the lining of a person’s stomach and result in internal bleeding. Internal bleeding can also be caused or worsened by a medical professional’s actions or inaction.

Who Can You Sue Regarding Undiagnosed Internal Bleeding?

Any medical professional that failed in their duty to provide you adequate care could be liable for your damages following untreated internal bleeding. Often, responsibility in these cases falls to a doctor. Doctors have an obligation to meet an adequate standard of care in every case. This involves taking reasonable steps to monitor for and treat internal bleeding.

Most of the time, there is an event known by the doctor that triggers internal bleeding, such as a healing injury or scar tissue from a medical procedure. When a doctor is aware of the risk of internal bleeding and fails to meet the standard of care, they could be held responsible in a civil suit.

There are other parties that could also be on the hook for damages due to untreated internal bleeding. Nurses in charge of a patient’s care have an obligation to monitor them for symptoms of internal bleeding. It could also be possible to sue the hospital directly, especially if administrator error played a role in a patient’s internal bleeding. A knowledgeable Connecticut attorney can provide more guidance on who might be liable in an internal bleeding malpractice suit.

The Time Limit to File an Internal Bleeding Lawsuit in Connecticut

There is a time limit that applies to internal bleeding lawsuits, known as the statute of limitations. Under the statute of limitations, a patient generally has two years to file a lawsuit based on their injury, which expires two years from the date of the injury or the discovery of the injury.

However, it is important to recognize that there are certain exceptions to the statute of limitations, and it is always advisable to consult with an attorney to better understand one’s legal options. An experienced lawyer can assess the specifics of a case and provide more guidance for filing a claim.

Discuss Internal Bleeding Malpractice Lawsuits with a Connecticut Attorney

Internal bleeding can be a serious, life-threatening condition. If you or a loved one is suffering because of a medical professional’s negligence, you deserve fair compensation. Contact us at Berkowitz Hanna about your Connecticut internal bleeding malpractice lawsuit today. We are ready to put our experience to work for you and ensure that you get the payments you need to make things right.