The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Examines Failure Of Care Settlement Against Major Nursing Home Company

Written by Berkowitz

nurse with an elderly patientElder abuse and neglect in nursing homes is a nationwide problem, and Berkowitz and Hanna LLC continuously scrutinizes news articles and studies on this serious issue. En casos legales, el maltrato de ancianos cae bajo la categoría de lesiones personales, y el bufete ha encontrado una importante historia que involucra un acuerdo legal con la residencia de ancianos Extendicare Nursing Homes, por falta de cuidado.

DrugWatch reported that Extendicare Nursing Homes, the seventh largest chain of its kind in the country, will pay $38 million to settle federal claims for inappropriately billing for physical therapy and providing poor care that the US Department of Justice referred to as being “effectively worthless.”

Según el artículo, los funcionarios federales encontraron que la compañía era “culpable de mantener una escasez de personal y de no entrenar correctamente a enfermeras calificadas” para cuidar a los residentes en 33 de sus casi 150 hogares de ancianos que la compañía posee en 11 estados. The company was also said to be guilty of Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

In response, an Extendicare spokesperson said that the company denied any wrongdoing but settled the case to avoid extended litigation.

Berkowitz and Hanna LLC aspira a crear conciencia sobre el abuso de cuidado de los ancianos, y también ofrece consejo sobre cómo reconocer señales potenciales de abuso.

We did not represent the parties involved in this case.

Image by Ulrich Joho via
