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Few medical facilities would be able to function at all, let alone provide the high standard and quality of care that all patients deserve, without the tireless work of registered nurses. As vital as nurses are to private clinics and massive hospitals alike, they can still sometimes make mistakes on the job that can wind up causing serious harm to patients. When this happens, it is important to understand your legal rights.
If you or a loved one suffered serious harm because of a nurse’s negligence, you might be entitled to compensation. Suing a negligent provider is not something you should take on alone, and pursuing a claim like this without help from a seasoned medical malpractice attorney could leave you getting little or no payout at all. Our Greenwich nursing malpractice lawyers at Berkowitz and Hanna LLC are here to help you pursue your claim as effectively and efficiently as possible without piling too much additional stress on yourself or your loved ones.
Nurses are held to a “standard of care” just like any other type of medical professional, which essentially means they are expected to demonstrate the same level of skill, experience, and consideration with all their patients that any other equally qualified nurse would show under similar or identical circumstances. If a nurse violates the standard of care applicable to them and causes a patient to suffer preventable harm, that nurse may hold personal civil liability to pay for damages stemming from that harm.
Often, something that seems to be a single nurse’s mistake instead stems from numerous mistakes made by several professionals working in a team, so there may be multiple parties who can serve as defendants in this sort of claim. Furthermore, it is often possible to hold a medical organization that employs a negligent nurse vicariously liable for their employee’s misconduct. A Greenwich nursing malpractice attorney can provide irreplaceable assistance throughout this process.
While money alone cannot always erase every form of trauma that a nurse may cause a patient to suffer through malpractice, civil restitution can be key to reducing the negative impact of specific economic and non-economic losses. Examples of damages which often factor into cases of this nature include:
If you suspect an instance of nursing malpractice in Greenwich, it is crucial to get in touch with a lawyer right away. A skilled legal professional can assess your case and work to determine the damages that you are entitled to.
Even though nurses are essential to keeping the modern medical industry functioning properly, they are certainly not immune from criticism if they allow patients to be harmed through reckless or careless misconduct. Just like all other healthcare providers, nurses can be held civilly liable for preventable harm they cause.
Representation from a knowledgeable Greenwich nursing malpractice lawyer will make a world of difference in how your legal proceedings go for you and what kind of compensation you are able to obtain. Call Berkowitz and Hanna LLC today to learn more.
Berkowitz Hanna