In cerebral palsy hemiplegia, one arm and one leg on the same side of the body are affected. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to or malformation of the brain. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. The side of the brain that is damaged or malformed determines which side of the body is affected by cerebral palsy hemiplegia. When the left side of the brain is damaged or malformed, the right side of the body is affected and vice versa.
The illness arises from an abnormality in the fetal or newborn brain. Its causes, some of which occur in the newborn or others in the mother, can include:
- Stroke in the fetal or newborn brain
- Infections such as meningitis and encephalitis
- Head injuries
- Brain tumors
- Multiple sclerosis
- Complications from diabetes
- Problems with the blood vessels
- Migraine syndrome related to changes in the nerves and blood vessels can cause a temporary type of cerebral palsy hemiplegia
- Some types of epilepsy can also create a temporary form of cerebral palsy hemiplegia
The condition of cerebral palsy hemiplegia can range from mild to severe and it may only be temporary.
Types Of Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
The most common type of hemiplegic cerebral palsy is spastic cerebral palsy. The muscles on the affected side become shortened. This leads to diminished range of motion and greater stiffness on the side that is affected.
Sometimes parents and pediatricians of children with mild hemiplegia may not notice any problems in a young child. One telltale sign can be early hand preference, which doesn’t usually appear until the child is between 18 and 24 months old. The hand on the affected side of the body may be balled into a fist or the leg on that side may appear to be weaker than the other leg.
When the child begins to sit, he or she may fall to the affected side. When their strength increases, however, children with cerebral palsy hemiplegia may be able to hold themselves up and have no problems sitting.
Contact a Connecticut Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Attorney
If you have had a child who suffers from cerebral palsy, you might want to contact a Connecticut cerebral palsy attorney to see if you have legitimate grounds for a lawsuit. A lawsuit can help you seek compensation for birth injuries that were caused by mistakes before, during or shortly after delivery.
The Connecticut hemiplegic cerebral palsy lawyers at Berkowitz and Hanna LLC have the experience and dedication you need. We will investigate all possible sources of liability to determine what happened. Call to schedule a free evaluation of your case. Our offices in Danbury, Bridgeport and Stamford handle cerebral palsy hemiplegia cases from across the state.