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As some laws regarding the treatment of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally begin to change, Berkowitz and Hanna LLC is offering some guidance. Here’s some información que puede ayudar a los migrantes viviendo en Connecticut.
As of December 1, many Connecticut immigrants who cannot establish their legal presence in the U.S. (or who do not have Social Security numbers) are now permitted to register to take a test to obtain a “Drive Only” license in the state. Immigrants pueden hacer una cita en línea on the website of the Department of Motor Vehicles to schedule the written test for a date in 2015. The program officially begins on January 2.
The DMV has upgraded the Spanish versions of its written test and driver’s manual, and has also created new tests in French, Polish, Portuguese and Italian. La página web explica los límites de la licenciaDrive Only: “In accordance with state law, the purpose of the Drive Only license program is to improve public safety and to try to ensure that all drivers are tested, know how to drive and understand the rules and laws for driving. A Drive Only license is not valid for state or federal identification purposes, and cannot be used to vote.”
Berkowitz and Hanna LLC knows that driving a car can make a huge difference in this state; entiende muy bien que tener acceso a un automóvil es importante en el estado de Connecticut, donde hay muchos poblados que no son fáciles para los peatones. As the state DMV works through this new process of licensing immigrants, the agency has been meeting with immigrant advocacy groups to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Image by burnbless via
Berkowitz Hanna