The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Reports On Floyd Mayweather Car Crash Case

Written by Berkowitz

berkowitz law mayweather car accidentEl boxeador Floyd Mayweather fue demandado por un hombre lesionado en un accidente automovilístico con un vehículo en el que los hijos de Mayweather viajaban, conducido por otra persona. Berkowitz and Hanna LLC knows that there can be civil liability in an auto accident, but this lawsuit is interesting because the defendant, Mayweather, was actually at the BET Awards at the time of the crash.

The driver of the car was J’Leon Love, another boxer who trains in Las Vegas. He is also being sued in this caseSegún la demanda por lesiones personales presentada por el conductor del otro automóvil, Peter Park, Love manejaba a más de 100 millas por hora y zigzagueando entre otros autos en tráfico.

Mayweather’s children were in the car being driven by Love.  Park claims he suffered injuries to his head, neck, collarbone, foot and ankle.

Berkowitz and Hanna LLC reconoce que los accidentes automovilísticos pueden resultar en daños además de lesiones físicas, desde gastos médicos a la pérdida de ingresos. The question in this particular case will be whether Mayweather, who was not in the car, bears any responsibility for the car accident.

The firm did not represent any of the parties in this case.

Image by Abhi Here via
