Berkowitz Hanna Notes Chris Borland’s Retirement from the NFL Citing Fear of Brain Damage

Written by Berkowitz

football kicker

football player Borland

As with other legal topics, Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has been monitoring national media coverage over the ongoing discussion of football-related injuries and fatalities. A recent CNN story on NFL rookie Chris Borland deciding to retire over concerns about long-term effects of concussions is an interesting—and possibly ground-breaking—player response to this issue.

According to CNN, Borland suffered a minor concussion at the San Francisco 49ers training camp last August. Following his injury, the inside linebacker allegedly grew concerned over the possibility of facing permanent brain damage. After doing more research on this topic while still playing during the 2014-15 NFL season, Borland announced his early retirement in March 2015.

Legal claims related to football fatalities fall under wrongful death, and Berkowitz and Hanna LLC has monitored news stories relating to lawsuits filed by the families of high school and college along with even NFL players.

In Connecticut, a legislative plan requiring the Connecticut State Board of Education to develop a plan aimed at reducing the number of concussions sustained by student athletes, became law in May 2014. Known as Public Act No. 14-66, the plan institutes proper procedures schools should take following concussions experienced by students during school athletics.

Photo by Steve Schar via
