Medical Malpractice Damages Proposition 46 In California

Written by Berkowitz

proposition 46

California’s Proposition 46, which would increase the limit on certain medical malpractice damages from $250,000 to approximately $1.1 million, just received some high profile support. U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) now appears in an ad supporting the measure.

The LA Times reported that Boxer said higher limits on malpractice awards would “prevent medical errors in the first place, because there is more at stake.”

According to the Times, “The ad, narrated by Boxer, features pictures of children who died after ‘preventable medical errors.’ While the ad does not explicitly mention raising the malpractice cap, Boxer says the measure would ‘hold the medical industry accountable for mistakes.’”

The commercial featuring Senator Boxer (above) will be running on television soon.

Be sure to check back here for updates on the status of Proposition 46, which is on the November 4th ballot in California.
