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The Berkowitz Law Firm LLC Highlights The Serious Consequences Of Medical Misdiagnosis

Written by Berkowitz

One of the leading scenarios in a medical malpractice and negligence case is when a medical practitioner makes a misdiagnosis. El efecto dominó de un diagnóstico erróneo debido a negligencia o imprudencia puede comenzar con errores de medicación o interpretación errónea de los informes de laboratorio o rayos X, lo que resulta en tratamientos incorrectos y en última instancia una condición médica empeorada e incluso, fallecimiento.

Medical malpractice experts Berkowitz and Hanna LLC understand that the failure to correctly diagnose a condition “can mean the difference between wellness, serious complications and even wrongful death.” 

Una reciente demanda presentada en Filadelfia, tras la muerte de un niño Scranton, tres meses después de su primer diagnóstico, ilustra este punto. His parents are suing a long list of medical practitioners and facilities, seeking $50,000 in damages from each defendant.

On January 29, 2013, six-year-old Pedro was brought to the Moses Taylor Hospital with a five-day fever, cough and cold. Sus padres alegan que los profesionales médicos diagnosticaron su condición erróneamente, malinterpretaron las radiografías y le mandaron un medicamento equivocado. After being seen and treated at several medical facilities in the area, the boy died in his mother’s arms less than three months later.

According to the lawsuit, Pedro’s autopsy revealed that “he had pneumonia and, liver and kidney failure…and a rare disorder of the skin and mucous membranes called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome”  – causing him to get treated in a burn ward because of a severe, painful rash which spread over most of his body.

El Berkowitz and Hanna LLC destaca que el 10 por ciento de todos los los pacientes hospitalizados se ven perjudicados por errores médicos. Algunos, como Pedro, nunca se recuperan.

Note: Berkowitz and Hanna LLC did not represent any of the parties in this case.
