Russ Berkowitz and Erik Siegel Settle Medical Malpractice Case Against Connecticut Hospital

Written by Berkowitz

Medical Malpractice Paper and Gavel

Russ Berkowitz and Erik Siegel have just settled a medical malpractice case against a Connecticut Hospital on behalf of a 64 year old client who was negligently discharged from their emergency department despite complaints of severe abdominal pain, lab studies reflective of sepsis, and suspicious imaging findings consistent with ischemic colitis. Our client returned to the hospital ED the next day in septic shock and needed emergency surgery to save her life.

Unfortunately, our client sustained a severe kidney injury and was forced to have most of her colon removed which has left her with no control over her bowel and is forced to wear a diaper permanently since she has 12-15 bowel movements per day. She also sustained a permanent neurological injury as a result of sustaining a hypoxic while she was in a coma.

The terms of the settlement are confidential.
