Potential Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Written by Berkowitz

gastric bypass complicationsThe complications associated with gastric bypass surgery can vary, according to the type of procedure and other influential factors (such as chronic health conditions). Before you consent to your own procedure, go over the potential risks, based on your health, to see what can be done to reduce the likelihood that you will have a complicated recovery.

Open Versus Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Complications

There are some complications that can occur in both laparoscopic and open bypass operations, such as anastomotic leaks, pulmonary embolism, and pneumonia. But, there are also unique complications associated solely with each type of procedure.

Open gastric bypass surgery carries an increased risk of:

  • Incisional hernia
  • Organ injury
  • Wound infection

Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery also carries an increased risk of:

  • Bowel obstruction
  • Gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage
  • Stomal stenosis

What is the Likelihood That I’ll Develop a Complication?

Not all gastric bypass procedures result in complications. In fact, hundreds are performed in the United States with no issues at all. However, patients are at an increased risk for complications when proper postoperative care is not administered, when they are not properly monitored, when vitals are not recorded, or when early signs of infection or complications are not treated.

Patients can minimize their risk for complications just by:

  1. Selecting a qualified surgeon with a reputation for successful surgeries in the past. You can also look up the hospital where the surgery will be performed to see the hospital’s infection rate – or how many people contract infections while staying in their facility.
  2. Going over the list of complications with your doctor and making an informed decision regarding whether the gastric bypass procedure is right for you. There are other procedures out there with less risk, and your physician may have non-surgical options to try first.
  3. Following all pre- and post-operative instructions carefully to avoid infection or complications during the procedure. That includes following the recommended bariatric diet post-op, exercising, and only taking medications approved by your physician.

Not All Complications Are Medical Errors

While complications are common, not all complications are the result of negligence or malpractice. Instead, a patient must be injured because the surgeon failed to perform the standard level of care within the procedure, or the hospital failed to provide the standard level of care. For example, if you contracted an infection caused by unsanitary conditions inside the operating room, because the hospital failed to perform the required sanitation procedures, you could have a malpractice claim against it for your infection and any complications that occur.

Consult with a Malpractice Attorney

If you or a loved one has suffered from dangerous complications, due to medical error or negligence, you may have a case for malpractice. You will first want to consult a Connecticut medical malpractice attorney. An attorney can review your medical records, as well as the surgical procedure, to see if you were given the standard level of care. If malpractice did occur, you could receive compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Contact Berkowitz and Hanna LLC today to schedule a no-obligation case evaluation. Contact us online to get started.
