Medical Malpractice Can Cause Cerebral Palsy

Written by Berkowitz

various words related to cerebral palsy put together in the shape of a circleThe term “cerebral palsy” is not a single condition. Instead, it is a generalized term that refers to numerous neurological disorders that occur in infancy or early childhood. They permanently impact a child’s body movement and muscle coordination. While it does affect the child’s muscle movements, it is not caused by injuries to the child’s muscles or nerves. Instead, it is caused by abnormalities in the parts of the brain that are responsible for controlling those muscle movements. states that the cause of congenital cerebral palsy can vary, but medical malpractice is included. They state that if an infant has been forced to develop cerebral palsy or another birth-related injury as a result of malpractice, the infant or their parents may have a viable legal claim against the medical provider or hospital that acted negligently. Lawsuits for cerebral palsy are nothing new to the legal circuit and are just one of many types of birth injury lawsuits filed in the United States. These lawsuits are designed to hold the physician or hospital accountable for their actions and hopefully, improve the quality of care for patients in the future.

Signs of Cerebral Palsy

The signs are not always apparent, especially in newborns. Parents are typically aware of their child’s injuries at birth only if the infant requires intensive medical care. These babies may require assistance with basic survival, such as breathing or feeding. Sometimes the signs of cerebral palsy are not as apparent early on, but can include:

  • Delays in development – such as being able to roll over, sit, crawl or walk
  • Difficulty swallowing or eating
  • Abnormal muscle tones
  • Inability to hold their own head up
  • Difficulty maintaining proper posture

When a physician diagnoses cerebral palsy, they will check the baby’s motor skills and reflexes. They will also review the infant’s medical history as well as the mother’s medical history, birth records and fetal heart monitor records from the birth. If they suspect cerebral palsy, the doctor will order a series of tests, including a CT scan and MRI to get an accurate picture of the brain and seek out any damage that may be present.

Compensation for a Birth Related Injury

If your child’s physician determines that the cerebral palsy was caused by a birth-related injury or error during your prenatal care, contact a medical malpractice attorney in CT right away. It is important that you file your claim as soon as possible, because the law does limit how long you have to file such claims. Contact the attorneys at Berkowitz and Hanna LLC today to schedule a no obligation case evaluation. Call us or contact us online to get started.
