What You Should Know About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Written by Berkowitz

medication side effectAll medical treatments carry some sort of risk. If you are suffering from low testosterone, your physician may have recommended testosterone replacement therapy. While generally safe, replacement therapy does carry some risks; for some, those risks can be life-threatening. If you are going to undergo any type of medical treatment, you should consult thoroughly with your physician and make sure that you are healthy enough to proceed. Also, you need to acquaint yourself with the common risks and what may be applicable to your particular health condition, before consenting to the procedure.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that your body naturally produces. It will help you maintain:

  • Bone density
  • Fat distribution
  • Muscle strength
  • Facial/body hair
  • Sex drive
  • Sperm

As a man ages, testosterone levels in the body will gradually decline. While this is normal, for some men, those levels can become too low – interfering with their health. Men will experience different symptoms for low testosterone, but some include:

  1. Changes in sexual function and/or sex drive.
  2. Changes in sleep patterns – such as insomnia.
  3. Physical changes, including increased body fat, swollen or tender pectoral muscles, and hair loss.
  4. Emotional changes, including lack of motivation, self-esteem issues, and depression.

The Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

While you may have low testosterone, the therapy for replacing your testosterone levels could cause more harm than good. Just some risks associated with this controversial therapy include:

  • Contributing to sleep apnea, which is a dangerous sleep disorder
  • Enlarged pectoral muscles
  • Acne and other rash-like skin reactions
  • Non-cancerous growths in the prostate, encouraging the growth of cancerous prostate cells
  • Increased risk for blood clots, including dangerous DVTs
  • Limited sperm production
  • Testicular shrinkage
  • Increased risk for heart disease

Should You File a Suit for Your Low T Treatment Injuries?

Testosterone replacement products are prescribed to men with low testosterone (commonly referred to as “low T”). Some men will use testosterone replacement to enhance their overall health, sexual performance, and even energy levels. But, there is a growing concern that these replacement therapies can increase the likelihood of a heart attack, while some treatments carry long-term risks.

Some men have suffered from cardiac arrest, stroke, and other heart-related issues, as well as adverse side-effects, due to the use of testosterone replacement drugs.

Depending on how the product was marketed by the drug manufacturer, you may have a case for a defective drug lawsuit. Some manufacturers have already been sued for misleading statements about the benefits of their treatments.

In March 2015, the FDA released a safety warning about testosterone replacement therapy medications, stating that there was a heightened risk for heart attack or stroke – even in those without previous heart conditions reported. These issues were found in FDA-approved testosterone treatments as well. Already, several thousand lawsuits have been filed for these side-effects.
If you or a loved one suffered an injury from testosterone replacement therapy or other types of medication side effects, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Berkowitz and Hanna LLC today to schedule a no-obligation case evaluation. Contact us online to get started.
