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While any type of motor vehicle crash can result in serious injuries, collisions between cars traveling in opposite directions tend to be especially catastrophic. Even worse, filing suit against another driver for causing this kind of incident can be a complicated affair, both in terms of establishing fault for the wreck and in terms of recovering comprehensively for all available losses.
After obtaining necessary medical care, seeking help from a skilled car accident lawyer is a crucial first step to take following a front-end car accident in Stamford. A seasoned legal professional’s support can greatly boost your chances of getting the restitution you deserve without getting tripped up by common legal pitfalls along the way. Our committed team at Berkowitz Hanna is ready to help you pursue the payments you need.
While they are especially common on two-lane rural roads and in crowded intersections, front-end car accidents can occur just about anywhere in Stamford where cars are traveling in different directions in close proximity. In the vast majority of situations, though, the primary cause of accidents like this is not the design of the road, but rather reckless or careless conduct by one or more people involved.
Negligent acts that could lead to a head-on accident include:
Because these crashes often cause such severe damage, civil recovery must account for both past and future consequences of ensuing injuries. A knowledgeable car accident lawyer at Berkowitz Hanna can help pursue restitution not just for short-term medical bills, car repair costs, and physical pain and suffering, but also for long-term losses of earning capacity, consortium, and overall quality of life.
Being able to show that someone else was negligent prior to a head-on car wreck in Stamford is not always enough to hold them completely at fault for all ensuing damages. Depending on the circumstances, it may also be necessary to show that an injured person is not to blame at all for causing or worsening their own injuries.
This is important because of Connecticut General Statutes §52-572h, which allows civil courts to assign percentages of total fault to plaintiffs they consider to be negligent in some way, and then either reduce available compensation accordingly or bar the plaintiff from obtaining any compensation whatsoever. Support from an attorney can be vital to fighting back against allegations of comparative fault that might otherwise limit recovery, as well as to building a strong and comprehensive case within the statutory filing deadlines set by state law.
Head-on car crashes that happens at any speed have the potential to cause life-altering harm, and the faster and larger the vehicles involved are, the greater that potential becomes. After an accident this severe, having experienced legal representation on your side can be all but essential to obtaining fair compensation through a settlement demand or civil lawsuit.
If you were in a front-end car accident in Stamford recently, our legal team at Berkowitz Hanna is here to help. Learn more by calling today.
Berkowitz Hanna