Overloaded/Overweight Truck Accidents in New Haven

Tractor-trailers are usually the largest and heaviest vehicles on the road. Fully loaded semi-trucks can weigh in at several dozen tons while still staying within the boundaries of federal and state law. Unfortunately, not all trucking companies adhere to weight limit laws.

Overloaded/overweight truck accidents in New Haven can be complicated, especially when you are trying to hold the trucking company responsible for their actions and heal from your injuries. The dedicated truck accident attorneys at Berkowitz Hanna have the experience and expertise to help you obtain the financial compensation you deserve.

Weight Limits for Trucks

Under federal law, tractor-trailers traveling on interstate highways or across state lines on other types of roads can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Additionally, they cannot put more than 20,000 pounds of weight on a single axle or more than 34,000 pounds on any tandem axle group.

The law sets slightly variable weight limits per axle for trucks traveling within the state. Specially permitted trucks can carry loads more than 80,000 pounds over pre-approved routes. Broadly speaking, though, a truck involved in a New Haven accident that is overweight under federal law is very likely also overweight under state law.

Holding a Trucking Company Liable for Damages

Part of what makes filing suit over a truck accident complex is the fact that trucking companies that put overweight trucks on the road generally know that what they are doing is illegal. They also break the law when they hide their culpability for an overloaded truck crash in New Haven by falsifying trip documentation or destroying important evidence before injured people can get ahold of it.

A skilled lawyer can build a strong civil claim and help an injured person recover fairly for all compensable damages from an accident. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to recover for economic damages like medical bills and lost working capacity and non-economic forms of damage like pain and suffering.

Consider Working with a New Haven Attorney on an Overloaded/Overweight Truck Accident Claim

No matter who was involved or what evidence is available to prove liability afterward, getting hurt in an overloaded/overweight truck accident in New Haven can be traumatizing.

A compassionate lawyer at Berkowitz Hanna can ensure all requirements and deadlines for your lawsuit are met, allowing you to focus on healing. Call today to schedule your private initial consultation.