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Pregnancy and childbirth carry risks for both mother and child, but medical professionals have a duty of care to make the process as safe as possible. While some birth injuries are unavoidable, many can be prevented when healthcare providers are proactive and adhere to the legal standard of care.
If your child was diagnosed with Erb’s palsy due to injuries sustained during labor and delivery, an experienced birth injury attorney at Berkowitz Hanna can listen to your position, answer your questions, and determine if you qualify for a lawsuit. A Hartford Erb’s palsy lawyer can help your family pursue the financial recovery you need to afford treatments for your child and ensure their future care.
Erb’s palsy is a medical condition that occurs when a network of nerves, known as the brachial plexus region, is injured during labor and delivery. Infants commonly sustain brachial plexus injuries when they are in breech or shoulder dystocia, when the child’s shoulder gets stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone during delivery. Many potential causes of Erb’s palsy are traced back to negligence on the part of a physician, nurse, or other member of the medical team during the birth.
Depending on the risk factors present for the mother and child before labor and delivery, failure to recommend or agree to a requested cesarean section, failure to request additional aid during delivery, or failure to respond appropriately to shoulder dystocia during birth could result in Erb’s palsy. Improper use of forceps or a vacuum extractor during delivery, applying too much pressure to the baby’s head, or excessive pulling during delivery can also lead to Erb’s palsy birth injuries.
Symptoms of Erb’s palsy can appear in the days and weeks following labor and delivery, including:
A Hartford attorney at Berkowitz Hanna can explore all opportunities to recover compensation when a child sustains Erb’s palsy due to a physician’s malpractice.
The extent of the damage to the brachial plexus nerves impacts the degree of damage and possibility of the child’s recovery from Erb’s palsy. Sometimes, the nerve damage may be fully reversible and take several months to heal.
In other cases, the nerves may tear to a point where they require surgery to repair, or only partial recovery may be possible despite surgical or therapeutic intervention. A Hartford attorney can document the full extent of damages in an Erb’s palsy birth injury claim and pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit against the negligent provider, physician, or other healthcare professional.
Financial recovery could include upfront medical costs as well as subsequent physical therapy, surgeries, and rehabilitation. The cost of home modifications, ongoing medical bills, and medication may also be calculated into the scope of recoverable damages. Other financial compensation can include the cost of punitive damages, pain, suffering, lost wages, and diminished life enjoyment.
The treatments for Erb’s palsy can be costly and extensive. Some children may require a combination of physical therapy and surgery to help repair the nerve damage. In some cases, Erb’s palsy may not be fully treatable, and a child could be left with symptoms for the remainder of their life.
If you believe that actions taken by a medical professional during your child’s birth led to Erb’s palsy, talk to an attorney at Berkowitz Hanna in a confidential, personalized legal consultation. A Hartford Erb’s palsy lawyer can explain your legal options and recover maximum compensation for your family. Call us today to schedule your case review.
Berkowitz Hanna