Danbury Placental Abruption Lawyer

Normally, the placenta—an organ inside a pregnant mother’s womb meant to transfer oxygen and nutrients from her body to her fetus through the umbilical cord—detaches from the uterine wall a short time after birth once it is no longer needed. Unfortunately, sometimes the placenta detaches prematurely while a fetus is still in utero, and this “placental abruption” can lead to that fetus suffering life-altering and even life-threatening developmental problems, to say nothing of the harm it can also cause to the mother.

If you or your child suffered serious physical injury due to a doctor’s failure to diagnose and properly treat this pregnancy complication, consider contacting a Danbury placental abruption lawyer from Berkowitz and Hanna LLC. You may have grounds to demand substantial compensation from the people responsible for the harm you have sustained, and a skilled birth injury attorney can help.

Placental Abruptions and the Standard of Care

It is important to understand that placental abruptions can occur even in pregnant women who receive the best possible care from highly qualified physicians, and there is always a risk of a condition like this causing long-lasting harm even if it is quickly identified and managed to the fullest extent possible. That said, doctors caring for pregnant women are expected to know the symptoms of complications like placental abruption, closely monitor for such symptoms, and take prompt and appropriate action when presented with signs of maternal or fetal distress.

In legal terms, this expectation to act as professionally and skillfully as any other equally qualified physician would act under the same circumstances is known as a “standard of care.” All successful malpractice lawsuits are built around proving that a breach in the applicable standard of care was the direct cause of the injury. A Danbury placental abruption attorney can work to establish these facts in your case.

What Rules Does State Law Set for Placental Abruption Claims?

Legal counsel can also provide crucial help in navigating the legal roadblocks associated with medical negligence claims. Most notably, they can help comply with the “reasonable inquiry” requirement, which essentially mandates that plaintiffs have formalized support for their claim from at least one medical expert who believes that all available evidence shows that malpractice likely occurred.

A placental abruption lawyer in Danbury can also assist with building and filing your claim within filing time limits set by the statute of limitations. These deadlines can often sneak up much faster than you expect, so seeking help from a capable legal professional as soon as possible can be essential in getting the compensation you need and deserve.

Get in Touch with a Danbury Placental Abruption Attorney Today

Placental abruptions can be extremely dangerous to both a pregnant mother and her care, but that danger can be significantly reduced with proper attention and care from qualified healthcare practitioners. If you did not receive the level of care you deserved and suffered preventable injury as a result, you may be able to demand civil restitution for all losses you can trace directly back to that injury.

Representation from a Danbury placental abruption lawyer will make it much easier to establish fault for the harm you have suffered and recover fairly for your ensuing damages. Call Berkowitz and Hanna LLC today to set up your free initial consultation.