Connecticut Anoxic Brain Injury Lawyer

When most people think of brain injuries, they think of violent blows to the head. However, serious brain damage can also happen even when there is no direct head trauma. When a person does not receive any oxygen to their brain over a long period of time, they can suffer an anoxic brain injury. Anoxia can cause significant long-term brain damage or even death.

If you believe you or your loved one suffered an anoxic injury due to someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct, do not hesitate to reach out to the TBI attorneys at Berkowitz Hanna. Our Connecticut anoxic brain injury lawyers are here to help you pursue the payments you need.

Understanding the Condition of Anoxia

Anoxia occurs when the brain’s oxygen supply is completely cut off. A person can fall unconscious after only a few seconds with no oxygen to their brain. After around four minutes with no oxygen, brain cells can begin to die, resulting in irreversible brain damage. Upon regaining consciousness, a person suffering from anoxia can experience symptoms that resemble the after-effects of a traumatic brain injury.

Some of the common symptoms and signs of an anoxic brain injury are as follows:

  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Loss of balance and coordination
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Difficulty thinking and reasoning
  • Memory loss and forgetfulness
  • Lack of attention span
  • Mood, behavioral, and personality changes
  • Vision problems
  • Difficulty speaking and communicating, remembering words, and forming sentences
  • Sleep problems
  • Difficulty with motor skills and mobility

While some people who suffer mild anoxic injuries can make full recoveries, the prognosis for anoxic brain damage survivors is often grim. Many people must make immediate and permanent changes in their lives to accommodate their injuries. Some people can no longer work, some need to hire home health care aides, and some end up moving to assisted living facilities or nursing homes to receive the expert care they need.

These lifestyle changes can be very costly. A dedicated Connecticut attorney can help an anoxic brain injury survivor and their family fight for compensation that could improve their quality of life. Fair and prompt payments could help a family ease their financial burden and give a survivor a means to pay for the medical treatments they need.

Sadly, some anoxic injuries are fatal. When a family loses their loved one, a compassionate and experienced legal team could help them fight for justice in a wrongful death claim.

Commons Causes of Anoxic Brain Injuries

Oxygen deprivation can occur in different ways. Near drownings can deprive a person of oxygen. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, can also result in a lack of oxygen to a person’s brain. Birth injuries can cause anoxia when an obstetrician fails to notice that a fetus is in distress from a lack of oxygen. If an anesthesiologist fails to monitor a patient’s oxygen levels during surgery, they can also suffer an anoxic brain injury.

Experienced Connecticut attorneys can investigate how and why an anoxic injury occurred. From here, legal professionals can work to hold the at-fault party legally and financially accountable for their negligence.

Do Not Wait to Contact a Connecticut Anoxic Brain Injury Attorney

Filing a claim for compensation after suffering an anoxic brain injury can be complicated. Working with a knowledgeable and seasoned Connecticut anoxic brain injury lawyer is critical.

A trusted attorney can review your medical records to see what went wrong and if your injuries occurred because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. Contact us at Berkowitz today to discuss your potential case.