Firm News

Russ Berkowitz Files Lawsuit Against Greenwich Hospital

Apple lawsuit

Russ Berkowitz has filed a lawsuit against Greenwich Hospital on behalf of a client who was improperly discharged from the hospital’s emergency department despite exhibiting signs and symptoms of an ischemic bowel. Our client was readmitted to the hospital the next day in septic shock and was forced to undergo emergency gastrointestinal surgery to save her life. In addition, our client sustained complications during her emergency gastrointestinal surgery and subsequently needed to be airlifted to Yale-New Haven Hospital where she was chemically paralyzed and intubated before her Yale surgical procedures.

At Yale, she was diagnosed with a likely dead bowel, kidney injury, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, metabolic acidosis, respiratory failure, and septic shock. Further, because of her probable dead bowel, she was given a “do not resuscitate” order. Fortunately, our client did not have a dead bowel and survived but had to undergo extensive rehabilitation both at Yale and subsequently at a nursing home close to her home. Our client has been left with permanent gastrointestinal issues and a brain injury as a result of her ordeal.
